The pond is teeming with tadpoles. Last year we had newts too, but I haven't seen any yet this year.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
The pond is teeming with tadpoles. Last year we had newts too, but I haven't seen any yet this year.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Oh Darling, how do I HATE thee? Let me count the ways...
1. Your mismatched eyebrows and hair. I know it is petty and childish, but there we have it.
2. You look, sound and act like Mr Bean. Now, I have nothing against Mr Bean. He is quite sweet and charming in many ways, but NOT as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
3. Two pence on fuel duty? What the f...? Talk about kicking us while we're down. Some of us live in rural areas and have no choice but to drive. (N.B.: Rural areas are those pretty green leafy bits at great distance from London where city folk like to go and play of a weekend. People actually live there all the time. I know, astonishing isn't it? Who'd have thought.)
4. Two per cent increase in alcohol taxes. You know we'll want to drown our sorrows after that Budget. That means more money in your pocket. Cheers.
5. Two grand for my ten-year-old Honda CR-V? Only if I can 'scrap' it by crashing it into a wall. With you standing in the way. Splat.
6. What have you got against old cars anyway? Mine passes all its emissions tests, so it's no more polluting than a new one. It's already built, so no scarce resources required to build a new one. And thanks for the two grand, but where am I going to find the other £16,000 for a new CR-V? Have you not heard of the "Credit Crunch"? Don't you know there's a recession? Who can afford to go and buy new shoes at the moment, let alone new cars? It's not something you can just stick on "expenses" without a reciept, you know. Oh. It is. I see. (See point 9. below.)
7. Economy expected to "pick up" in 2010? While you've got the crystal ball out, could you tell me next Saturday's Lotto numbers and the winner of tomorrow's 3.15 at Kempton?
8. Twenty quid extra on Tax Credit. Cheers again. That should just about pay the extra tax on the extra wine I plan to drink. (See point 4. above.)
9. Government savings? Good idea. No more patio heaters, sinks, bath plugs and pornography etc. We civilians have to pay for our own; so should you.
10. "The Government is delivering a comprehensive and coherent package of targeted support to continue to help households and businesses..." Yeah. Right. Whatever. Really? I mean, like, really?
...and, if British voters choose, I shall but love thee better after thy hath been defeated by the Tories.
What do you suppose...
He just came looping up the drive (I love the way squirrels run) with his sibling and I noticed a gap in his tail. His brother/sister was fully tailed, but this one almost looks as if he's been shaved.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
We shell overcome*
But still the eggs got pecked, although (touch wood) there have been no more bloody feathery corpses in the morning. But no more pretty white bantam eggs either. Happy Easter from the brown hens.
So Brian spent yesterday constructing a roll away egg box. This required many hours spent in the company of the murderous birds (amazing how innocent they can look, scratching around, fluffy bottoms in the air.) He observed a hen sneak away under the potting bench, so he followed her and found her adding to an impressive clutch of eggs. It seems she had found away of hiding her eggs from her egg-pecking peers. She laid another one there today too. But it's not just her. Her contribution today has been joined by yet another one. It's almost as if they're laying a trail across the garden to a nice, secretive nesting place.
As for the roll away nest box - it works! (See picture).
Monday, 13 April 2009
Happy Easter
The sheep had the right idea and spent the day lying around in the sun. Even the lambs found it too warm for much frolicking. Only three are left to lamb now and Lazarus, the lamb from the previous post, has rallied and is busily trying to grow into his too-big pyjamas.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Chilly little chap
In the meantime lamby got to sit by the wood burner, which was why I was babysitting him - Mum didn't want to come back and find he'd caught fire (or been eaten by her dog). A couple of hours of snuggling in the warm and a belly full of milk and he was back outside with his family, firmly ensconced under the heat lamp.
Friday, 10 April 2009
How peculiar
It's astonishing how much you take your senses for granted until you lose one of them. I once lost my hearing for a short time when I was a student and it was an isolating and embarrassing experience. Isolating because I just couldn't communicate with the world around me, or rather it would try to communicate with me and I'd ignore it because I didn't know it was. Embarrassing because I would overcompensate by my own lack of hearing with an increase in vocal volume. Unknowingly.
The whole day, it seems, is pervaded by smells, I just hadn't really noticed them until they weren't there any more.
First thing, for example, going into the warm mugginess of my daughters' bedroom, sour with nighttime breath. Then the first coffee of the day and the joy of opening the jar and pouring the hot water onto the granules. The aroma, the aaahhhh... except not, any more. Now coffee tastes hot, wet and slightly bitter. Breakfast is worst. I usually have Dorset Cereals muesli, a grated apple, a little water and a heap of natural yogurt. At the moment that tastes mushy and sour, so instead I've been eating Cheerios just to satisy hunger and because at least they are crunchy and sweet.
In the middle of the morning I always have a large wide Nigella Lawson cup of real coffee made in my battered Espresso maker. This is a pleasure of sense and aroma. Usually. Back to hot and wet and the memory of good coffees past.
Lunch is usually a wrap into which I toss a heap of salad - rocket, watercress, spinach, coriander - and some slivers of brie, cheddar, ham, some grated carrot, chopped crunchy celery, olives and gherkins. It's a riot of flavour and crunch and makes me drool just thinking about it. Now it is only about texture. The softness of the tortilla wrap, the waxiness of the cheese and the crunch of the salad. Brie and cheddar may look different, but without a sense of smell or taste they are pretty much just a lump of fat.
Then there is chocolate. Don't mention chocolate, the love of my life. It's the thing I adore. Oh the smell of it, the voluptuousness of it as it melts on my tongue! Um, no. Now it is just sweet wax. I may as well sprinkle Tate and Lyle on a candle and eat that. My favourite Green and Black's Almond chocolate is just sweet wax with crunchy bits.
How depressing.
Then there is wine. Wet, slightly sour and cold. Chamomile tea. Just wet. Curry? Hot, salty and wet. Rice? Mushy and, well, wet.
I can't smell things that are nice, like my daughters' hair, for example. I never realised just how many times I sneak a sniff of their hair, it's just now I sniff and there's nothing there.
Cooking is fraught with danger. If I can't smell when things are good, I can't tell when they're bad, either. Or when they're burning.
Then there's sex, which smell is a vital part of. It's a curious thing, suddenly becoming more reliant on other senses such as touch and sight and hearing. Odd how much the lack of a sense of smell affects that too.
I can't wait until it comes back. This is not fun.