There has just been great excitement here. We have just had a baby sparrow hawk in the garden. It appeared suddenly on the handle of the girls’ trampoline and sat, all sharp beak, yellow talons and fluffy feathers long enough for us to rush around finding binoculars, bird books and the bird ID DVD. Sadly we don’t have a camera with enough guts to take a picture at that distance, through a window and across the garden, but it was very exciting to see it.
There are many birds in the garden at the moment, of course, lots of blue tits, great tits, coal tits, marsh/willow tits, blackbirds, thrushes, woodpeckers (the ones with the red heads) and nuthatches. We then get a couple of collared doves, magpies, and flocks of jays. The latter two I have mixed feelings about because of their nest-robbing activities, but they are handsome, if noisy birds to watch. The swallows have all raised their first broods now too, so the sky is full of zooming hirundines.
The red kites are still about too, but they are so often up there with the buzzards that we are becoming a little blasé about them! But only a little, we still jump up and down and shriek ‘Kite! Kite!’ when we see one of them. This has proved a little confusing for Rosie, 3. While I was shouting: ‘Look! Kite!” She was looking for a different sort of kite. And since she is Queen of Questions at the moment, we were then grilled for half an hour on who was flying the kite, where and why!
The rain has brought with it a new green lushness in the garden, although it has battered the petals off the peonies and the aquilegias, which is a shame, but opens up a bit of space for something else.
Tomorrow we have a garden open day in aid of Cylch Meithrin at the Old Coach House, Rosebush, and have fingers, toes and everything else crossed for a bit of sunshine between 1pm and 4pm. The garden overlooks the reservoir, which is a stunningly beautiful setting. We have got some terrific raffle prizes too and I hope that enough people turn up to buy tickets, particularly since selling those tickets is to be my job!
Gobeithio bod y haul yn gwennu ac yn disgleirio yfory.
There are many birds in the garden at the moment, of course, lots of blue tits, great tits, coal tits, marsh/willow tits, blackbirds, thrushes, woodpeckers (the ones with the red heads) and nuthatches. We then get a couple of collared doves, magpies, and flocks of jays. The latter two I have mixed feelings about because of their nest-robbing activities, but they are handsome, if noisy birds to watch. The swallows have all raised their first broods now too, so the sky is full of zooming hirundines.
The red kites are still about too, but they are so often up there with the buzzards that we are becoming a little blasé about them! But only a little, we still jump up and down and shriek ‘Kite! Kite!’ when we see one of them. This has proved a little confusing for Rosie, 3. While I was shouting: ‘Look! Kite!” She was looking for a different sort of kite. And since she is Queen of Questions at the moment, we were then grilled for half an hour on who was flying the kite, where and why!
The rain has brought with it a new green lushness in the garden, although it has battered the petals off the peonies and the aquilegias, which is a shame, but opens up a bit of space for something else.
Tomorrow we have a garden open day in aid of Cylch Meithrin at the Old Coach House, Rosebush, and have fingers, toes and everything else crossed for a bit of sunshine between 1pm and 4pm. The garden overlooks the reservoir, which is a stunningly beautiful setting. We have got some terrific raffle prizes too and I hope that enough people turn up to buy tickets, particularly since selling those tickets is to be my job!
Gobeithio bod y haul yn gwennu ac yn disgleirio yfory.
I do hope this eratic weather is kind to you, it is all such hard work to make the garden look great when the rain knocks it about. We too have Red Kite flying over the house, they are lovely in pairs but I am not so keen on them when I go to my friend Mags in Buckinghamshire, there were 6 over her house the other day, I felt a little uncomfortable, reminded me of the "Birds" film.
Do tell us Sassenachs what the Welsh means!! Wow on all those birds. I don't think I've ever seen a red kite. I know what you mean about the rain - everthing is lush and green again, but my peonies only lasted about 3 days!
ReplyDeleteYou have the exact same birthday as my daughter! I really don't know what to do about 'holding her back' for a year (it's an awful phrase, i know). All her little friends from pre-school will be starting in September, plus she'll only be doing mornings until September at our tiny village school. Plus I'd like to have her a year with her brother before he leaves for middle school. Then I read what you said and think maybe she should just be at home for another year ....
Good Luck with open day. Toady
ReplyDeleteOOOh now you've done it!!! Seems like a good excuse for me to come and see you.. assuming I can find you!
ReplyDeleteHow exctitng to see such a beautiful bird of prey in your garden - hope it doesn't attack your other birds though.
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed for the weather for you today. Not good here and very very midgy.
The Welsh means "Hopefully the sun will be smiling and sparkling tomorrow". The Welsh say 'Mae haul yn gwennu' - the sun is smiling, which is lovely I think. Well, tomorrow is now today and the sun is smiling a bit, if not on full beam. I'm going over to the garden with my raffle tickets later (NOT my garden - I'm not sure I made that clear!). It is on the Cardigan to Haverfordwest road, ChrisH, well sign-posted, so see you there!
ReplyDeleteJust found your 'ps' on mine - thanks so much, that's really clarified a few things for me. I think, given some of the things you said and the fact that she will be starting off in sucha small and friendly environment, to just 'suck it and see'. Thanks again- you lot are just so amazing! Louise x
ReplyDeleteWe see the (very odd) kite and it is a source of great excitement.
ReplyDeleteNow listen here you - don't you even THINK of coming out this way and not popping in for a cup of tea or that great purplecoo tradition of wine adn chocolate! I would be mortally offended.
Yup, Dulverton it is.....so no excuses.. jxxxxx
and was it sunny? Hard to imagine right now with the wind beating round the house and sturdy November rain falling in, er, June. Gorgeous paeonies.
ReplyDeleteJust discovered your blog - and loved reading about your corner of Wales, its flowers, birds and beasts. Would love to see red kites here.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading more.