Sunday, 5 September 2010

Shell hunting at New Quay

Shells, lovely shells, as far as the eye can see.
Shell hunting
Sea dancers.
Fishy swims in a sandy sea.
Slate fishy.
Twenty minutes past four (in the afternoon).
Love me tenders.
Temporary homes for hapless crustaceans.


  1. Great pictures, looked like a lovely day, lucky you.

  2. Love the 'pigloo'...happy sunny days.

  3. Fab pictures, love the fishy shell pictures.

  4. Great pictures and creative shell/stone art.

    Grand time, as long as there aren't any "shells" left over from WW2.

  5. Love the clock - very clever. Great place... love to sit on the harbour wall and watch the world go by.

  6. Great photos. I do like New Quay; a mix of posh boats and buckets and spades I always think.

  7. Gorgeous pictures! Wish I knew one end of a camera from another. Never been to New Quay but it looks beautiful

  8. Oh, lovely, lovely pictures. And just spied the one of your darling guinea pigs on the previous post!! ADORABLE. Must go now to look all through your old posts. Havent been over for ages. It was SO WORTH IT!


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